Sxsterhood built through service.
Since the inception of Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, each Sxster has sincerely dedicated herself to service. Service is the basis of Delta Kappa Delta because we feel that through service, a person can grow spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Each hour of service we do provides an opportunity to teach our society about who we are and learn about others. It provides an opportunity to grow and develop our Sxsterhood and create a bond with those in the community.
Service provides a chance to strengthen our spirit and rejuvenate our society. Each time a Sxster completes service, she walks away with a better knowledge of whom and what she can become.
Delta Kappa Delta’s service focus is Children’s Education. Education is the key to empowerment and the Sxsters of Delta Kappa Delta strive to educate young and old alike by working with different schools and after school programs, local organizations that work with teenage moms on how to tend to their child, or teach a group of children how to put on a sari, or simply taking the time out to educate others about the South Asian culture and heritage.
One of the most powerful tools is through action, by being a role model to these children, and those who are willing to learn. By encouraging education, we help build a successful future.
The amount of hours (and counting!) that Delta Kappa Delta has completed in community service nationwide.
Our commitment to service is steadfast. Whether we complete it together or collaborate with other organizations, Delta Kappa Delta believes deeply in bonding through service. Even with a minimum service hour requirement per semester, sxsters consistently surpass the goal and find more time to give back to the community.
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”
— Rabindranath Tagore
If you are a non-profit organization interested in collaborating with us, or have questions about our service programs, contact our National Vice President of Service.