Policies and Protocols
Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. strives to create a safe environment for all members of our community. We have a Code of Conduct which outlines its disciplinary policy and procedures. To report a violation of the Risk Management Policy, please utilize one (or more) of the options below:
- In case of an emergency, call 911.
- Report to the host institution.
- Report to the police.
- Contact undergraduate Charter Advisor to report.
- Contact Risk Management Director or any member of National Council to report.
- Fill out the Incident Report Form.

A. Alcohol
In any activity or event sponsored or endorsed by Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc., including those that occur on or off organizational premises:
Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. members, and guests must comply with all federal, state, provincial, and local laws. No person under the legal drinking age may possess, consume, provide, sell or be provided alcoholic beverages.
The use of alcohol by collegiate charters or members in any activity or event sponsored or endorsed by Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc., including those that occur on or off organizational premises is prohibited.
Alcoholic beverages must either be: (1) provided and sold on a per-drink basis by a licensed and insured third-party vendor (e.g., restaurant, bar, caterer, etc.); or (2) brought by individual members and guests through a bring your own beverage (“BYOB”) system.
Common sources of alcohol, including bulk quantities, which are not being served by a licensed and insured third party vendor, are prohibited (i.e., amounts of alcohol greater than what a reasonable person should consume over the duration of an event).
Alcoholic beverages must not be purchased with organizational funds or funds pooled by members or guests (e.g., admission fees, cover fees, collecting funds through digital apps, etc.).
A charter must not co-host or cosponsor, or in any way participate in, an activity or event with another group or entity that purchases or provides alcohol, illegal drugs or controlled substances.
A charter must not co-host or co-sponsor an event with a bar, event promoter, or alcohol distributor; however, a charter/organization may rent a bar, restaurant, or other licensed and insured third-party vendor to host a charter event.
Attendance by non-members at any event where alcohol is present must be by invitation only, and the charter/organization must utilize a guest list system. Attendance at events with alcohol is limited to a guest-to-member ratio not to exceed 3:1 and must not exceed local fire or building code capacity of the organizational premises or host venue.
Any event or activity related to the new member joining process (e.g., recruitment, intake, rush, etc.) must be substance free. No alcohol or drugs may be present if the event or activity is related to new member activities, meetings, or initiation into an organization, including but not limited to “bid night,” “Big/Little” events or activities, “family” events or activities, and any ritual or ceremony.
Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. members, or guests must not permit, encourage, coerce, glorify or participate in any activities involving the rapid consumption of alcohol, such as drinking games.
B. Drugs
Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. members, and guests must follow the federal law regarding illegal drugs and controlled substances. No person may possess, use, provide, distribute, sell, and/or manufacture illegal drugs or other controlled substances while on organizational premises or at any activity or event sponsored or endorsed by the organization.
A. Violations include, but are not limited to
Excessive alcohol consumption, purchase or possession
Behavioral violations
Certain extreme forms of PDA (Public Display of Affection)
Public nudity
Personal information, grades, financial, etc. falsification
B. Conflict Resolution
When a sxster of Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. violates the published code of conduct, the resolution may occur in one of two ways:
The Executive Board of the charter may meet to determine a route towards resolution.
Referral to the Executive Board may occur in the case of an initial or minor infraction. The respondent may be referred by any member of the sxsterhood to meet with the Executive Board of the chapter.
The respondent will appear before the Executive Board to recite their factual account of their actions and then the board will propose a course of action. Once an offense is made public, it is the responsibility of the Executive Board to communicate these happenings to the National Board.
The Executive Board has the right to gather information about the violation and the offending sxster(s). Violations will pertain to all sxsters.
There will be three degrees of consequences offered to the respondent. The Executive Board will vote anonymously on which consequence is to be delivered and will be determined solely by a ¾ majority vote, except in the case of suspension or expulsion which is determined by unanimous vote.
The violation may be sent to the National Judicial Board for resolution.
Referral to the Judicial Board may occur in the event of repeated or high level infractions. The respondent may be referred by any member of the sxsterhood through the Judicial Board reporting form.
Judicial Board will conduct an independent investigation of the matter and determine a path towards resolution. Judicial Board is a self governing body composed of 5 individuals removed from the charter and National Board.
Consequences from Judicial Board are determined at the discretion of Judicial Board.
C. Roles and Responsibilities
Complainant: The complainant is the person bringing the complaint. Any sxster may serve as a complainant. The complainant may choose to be present for and participate in the conduct process as fully as the responding party.
Respondent: The respondent is the student or student chapter to have violated the Code.
Witness: A witness is a person who may offer information regarding the misconduct.
Unbiased Party: An unbiased party may not have any invested interest in the conduct violation. Executive board members who are serving as either complainant, respondent, or witness may only participate in the hearing process as either the complainant, respondent, or witness. The roles of complainant, respondent, or witness may not be served concurrently.
In the event a member of the executive board is serving the role of complainant, respondent, or witness an alternate member may be selected at random from the charter’s active body.
D. Consequences Assignable by the Executive Board of the Charter
These consequences do not have to be followed in order. Depending on the degree of the violation, an appropriate consequence will be decided by the Executive Board of the charter. The investigation and any decision reached by the Executive Board are to remain between the individual, Executive Board, National Board, Risk Management Director, Regional Director and/or Charter Advisor. If the individual chooses to make the situation public, it is their right.
A verbal or written warning may be issued upon initial infraction.
Fine of up to $100 towards their charter. In addition, the member is not permitted to engage in any Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. events other than community service for a definite period of time. Lastly, the member will not be allowed to attend functions held by other organizations as a representative of Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc for the specified time frame.
Terms must be communicated in full to the respondent, National Board, Regional Director, and Charter Advisor.
Behavioral Requirement
Defined as a required activity, including academic counseling, substance abuse screening, written apology letter, etc.
The specific requirement and deadline to complete must be defined by the executive board of the charter.
Educational Requirement
Defined as a requirement to attend, sponsor, or present a program related to the violation.
The specific requirement, topic and deadline to complete must be defined by the executive board of the charter.
Restitution payable by the respondent to the charter and/or party in question.
Most applicable when property is damaged
Amount payable must not be more than the original value.
Suspension for the remainder of the semester. During suspension, the individual may not participate in any Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. related activities.
Denial of membership benefits for a definite period of time Members on suspension may not have involvement in ANY Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. event (formals, socials, meetings, mixers, fundraisers). Members on suspension are not allowed to wear any sorority letters or represent the sorority at any event, meeting, or gathering
Interim suspension cannot exceed 1 semester/quarter unless justified by extenuating circumstances
Terms of suspension must be communicated in writing to the respondent, National Board, Regional Director and Chapter Advisor.
Expulsion from the sorority may be assigned when no resolution is possible.
Permanent denial of membership benefits. A member who is expelled cannot associate themselves with the sorority in any form or fashion and is not allowed to attend any private Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. events.
Terms of expulsion must be communicated in full to the respondent, National Board, Regional Director, and Charter Advisor.
E. Appeals
After the Executive Board has reached a decision, the individual has the right to appeal the decision first to sxsters of their charter. The decision can be overridden by a ¾ majority vote by the sxsters at their respective charter.
Appeal must be requested in writing by the respondent within 14 days of notice of final decision.
After appeals have been exhausted through the sxsters, an individual or Executive Board member may appeal to the National Board of Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc.
A. Purpose
The Judicial Board of Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. is composed of 5 members to preside over cases related to violations in policy. These include, but are not limited to violations of the following:
Conduct (behavioral) Policies
Hazing Policies
Sexual Misconduct Policy
Substance Use Policy
Membership Eligibility
Infractions of these policies, subject a member to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the organization.
Minor and first time infractions can be handled at the charter level, per Article 9: Conduct Policy. All submissions will be reviewed by the Judicial Board, but not all cases may be seen by the Judicial Board.
B. Judicial Board Structure
The Delta Kappa Delta Judicial Board will review all cases related to violations of Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. policies through a judicial proceeding.
The Judicial Board consists of 5 members and 2 alternate members on the Delta Kappa Delta National Council. The Executive Vice President will preside over the committee. The Executive Vice President is to remain an unbiased party, tasked with overseeing the judicial process.
The Judicial Board members will include the following:
1 member of National Directors
2 alumni members
Alumni members will need to apply before the beginning of the Fall term on an annual basis to be part of the Judicial Board.
2 charter presidents
Charter presidents cannot sit on the Judicial Board if there is/are sxster(s) of their charter participating in the hearing
Members will be selected randomly from their respective pools.
The alternate members will be utilized only if there are no other viable options available.
1 member of National Board
1 member of National Directors
The Judicial Board will only convene in order to review violations and will not meet outside of these circumstances.
C. Judicial Board Guidelines
Each member of the Delta Kappa Delta Judicial Board will have one (1) vote during each hearing.
The responsibility for this board will fall under the Executive Vice President. The responsibilities for the Executive Vice President will include: collect and review the report submitted, conduct proper procedures throughout hearings, count votes at the end of hearings, and announce the decision made by the Delta Kappa Delta Judicial Board. The Executive Vice President will not have a vote in the final decision, and will remain an unbiased party to ensure a fair judicial process.
The Executive Vice President must also address issues of bias in the committee. If any member of the Judicial Board has a concern related to bias they must address the issue with the Executive Vice President. In these instances, one of the alternate members of the Judicial Board will take their place.
D. Definitions
Complainant: The complainant is the person bringing the complaint. Any sxster may serve as a complainant. The complainant may choose to be present for and participate in the conduct process as fully as the responding party.
Respondent: The respondent is the student or student chapter to have violated the Code.
Witness: A witness is a person who may offer information regarding the misconduct.
E. Judicial Board Procedure
Allegations that undergraduate member(s) have violated national policies and/or code of conduct may be reported to the Executive Vice President. Reports should include the parties involved, facts of the allegation, and any other information that the reporting party feels is crucial for the judicial board to know. All reports submitted to the judicial board will remain confidential from the sxsterhood.
The Judicial Board is required to comply with any legal requirements and inquiries.
Upon receipt of the report, the judicial board will convene at its earliest possible convenience to review all submitted materials. After the first review, the Judicial Board will vote with a ⅔ majority if they will see the case.
If the vote fails then the case will be handed down to either the National Council or the Executive Board of the Charter.
If the Judicial Board votes to see the case, they will set a date and time to hold a hearing with the respondent individuals.
F. Hearing Procedure
The Executive Vice President will provide written notice to the respondent individual(s) of the hearing date and time, along with the alleged violations at least 72 hours (3 days) in advance. If the member cannot attend the hearing date the Judicial Board should adjust the hearing so that they may be present.
Both parties may call upon witnesses in the form of written testimony to be submitted to the Executive Vice President by 24 hours prior to the hearing. The consideration of any submissions after this point will be at the discretion of the Judicial Board.
Disciplinary hearings may only be attended by Judicial Board members, respondent parties and their charter advisor. The charter advisor is able to attend hearings, but will not get a vote. The charter advisor should be informed of any disciplinary decisions made during the judicial process prior to the Executive Vice President informing the member of the decision made.
Judicial Board must pass any votes with a ⅔ majority
G. Consequences
Fines not to exceed $150
Inability to hold undergraduate board positions
Revocation of specific privileges
Suspension from the organization for no more than one calendar year
Denial of membership benefits for a definite period of time Members on suspension may not have involvement in ANY Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. event (formals, socials, meetings, mixers, fundraisers). Members on suspension are not allowed to wear any sorority letters or represent the sorority at any event, meeting, or gathering
Expulsion from the organization
Permanent denial of membership benefits. A member who is expelled cannot associate themselves with the sorority in any form or fashion and is not allowed to attend any private Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. events.
Any other consequences that the Judicial Board may deem fit
H. Appeals Board Structure
The appeals board will convene to review cases where an appeal has been submitted to the Executive Vice President
The appeals board will consist of 5 members
1 member of Board of Advisors
2 members of National Board
2 members of National Directors
I. Appeals Procedure
The respondent individual(s) may appeal the decision made by the Judicial Board by submitting a response to the Judicial Board Appeals Form to the Executive Vice President containing the following information:
Allegation that brought the report to the Judicial Board
Decision made by the Judicial Board
Information why the individual(s) are appealing the decision made by the Judicial Board
The appeal must be submitted to the Executive Vice President within 14 days of the date on which the hearing took place.
Upon receipt of the appeal, the Appeals Board will convene within 14 days to review the submitted appeal. The Executive Vice President will provide written communication of the Appeals Board decision.
The Executive Vice President will preside over the appeals process, facilitate dialogue and collect any other necessary information for the Judicial Board.
The Appeals Board must vote unanimously on the final decision.
J. Statute of Limitations
Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. will maintain records of all policy infractions.
Infractions will be taken into consideration for any individuals running for National Council or Board of Advisors positions for 5 years after the incident.
Disciplinary action on record may be considered if an individual applies for partial inactivity or early alumni status.
A. Purpose
The purpose of the non-discrimination policy is to protect Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. and to ensure equal opportunity to all members and associates of the organization. Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. is committed to the advancement of womxnhood. We believe that this is inclusive of transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary and cisgender students. This policy is intended to supplement and not replace any other governed policies or Bylaws included within our Constitution.
B. Definitions
Cisgender - Individual whose gender identity aligns with their sex designated at birth.
Transgender - Individual whose gender identity does not align with their sex designated at birth. Including mxn, womxn, and non-binary individuals.
Non-binary - An individual whose identities are not exclusively masculine or feminine. Non-binary people may identify as having two or more genders, no gender, or having a fluid gender identity.
Gender non-conforming - An individual whose behavior, appearance, etc. does not conform to the predominate cultural or societal expectations about what is appropriate for their gender. An individual may not match masculine or feminine gender norms.
Gender identity - An individual’s self-determined gender, which may or may not correspond with their birth sex. Gender identity is often related to societal concepts of mxn and womxn. A person’s identity may or may not align with either concept.
Gender expression - The way in which an individual chooses to express their gender identity through clothing, behaviors, appearance, pronouns, etc.
Womxn - Alternate spelling of the word “woman” to be inclusive of transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals.
Sxster - Alternate spelling of the word “sxster” to be inclusive of transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming indviduals.
C. Policy
Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. is committed to creating an environment that supports non discrimination for all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, perceived or actual sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Recognizing that prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping against LGBTQIA+ individuals are prevalent in today's political and social climate, Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. stands in solidarity with these individuals as allies. We dedicate ourselves to serve as an inclusive group for individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+ and aim to create a safe, supporting, and welcoming space for them within our sorority.
No member is required to provide documentation of their gender.
A. Purpose
Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. is committed to providing access to all individuals under the terms of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. The term “disability” may include learning, physical, sensory, psychological, medical, and certain temporary disabilities. The sorority provides sxsters with reasonable accommodations in accordance with the policies and applicable state laws.
The organization’s compliance with applicable disability laws is implemented in the context of the organization’s broader Policy on Discrimination, which advises sxsters of prohibited discriminatory and harassing conduct, as well as the resources and process for addressing and resolving complaints of discrimination, harassment and related violations of Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc.’s policy.
B. ADA/Section 504 Coordinator
The Risk Management Director is responsible for coordinating Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and serves as the “Disabilities Coordinator”.
The Disabilities Coordinator, or a designee as appropriate, conducts activities such as (but not limited to):
Assisting charters in making their programs and services accessible
Overseeing communication to all sxsters and potential recruits regarding how they can access programs and services consistent with the ADA/Section 504
Reviewing the organization’s policies, facilities, and activities to assure organizational compliance with the ADA/Section 504
Responding to any complaint regarding the ADA/Section 504 made by a student, staff member, campus visitor, or other individual in order to assure prompt and equitable resolution
C. Definitions
A disabled person is one who (a) has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities, (b) has a record of such impairment, or (c) is regarded as having such impairment.
"Physical or mental impairment" means (a) any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: neurological, musculoskeletal, special sense organs, respiratory (including speech organs), cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, genito-urinary, hemic and lymphatic, skin and endocrine; or (b) any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities.
"Substantially limits" means being unable to perform a major life activity or significantly restricted as to the condition, manner, or duration under which a major life activity can be performed, in comparison to the average person or to most people.
"Major life activities" mean functions that a typical person can perform with little or no difficulty. Some examples are caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, reading, speaking, breathing, and working.
"Qualified disabled person" as applied to sxsters means a person who meets the academic and technical standards requisite to admission or participation into the sorority, with or without reasonable accommodation.
"Reasonable accommodation" means the provision of certain necessary and effective adjustments to the known physical and mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability, unless the accommodation would impose an undue burden or hardship on the sorority, or would produce a fundamental alteration of the sorority’s programs or services.
*Definitions are taken from Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and from the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. These definitions are provided for informational purposes only. These definitions are not meant to alter the existing local or federal disability laws and regulations.
D. Accommodations
Accommodations are modifications or provisions made for a disabled individual to provide access or enable them to perform the essential functions of a role within the sxsterhood. Depending on the specific circumstances and the documentation received, accommodations may include:
Testing accommodations
Modifications to sorority’s policies, rules and regulations as applied to the individual
Auxiliary aids and services
Modified requirements or restructuring
Discrimination, harassment and retaliation are prohibited under this policy and the Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc.’s Non-Discrimination Policy.
E. Requesting an Accommodation
Sxsters Requesting an Accommodation
The sorority is committed to providing sxsters with disabilities equal access to the educational, professional, sxsterhood, and service opportunities and programs available with Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. The sorority provides students with reasonable accommodations in a timely manner when such accommodations are necessary to afford goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations to individuals with disabilities, unless providing the accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations.
Sxsters should submit all accommodation requests to the Sorority’s Disabilities Coordinator. Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. will communicate with the student about its decisions throughout the process.
Accessibility of Sorority Programs and Events
Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. will use its best effort to make appropriate Sorority programs and events reasonably accessible to individuals with disabilities. Any individual, including potential recruits, who requires an accommodation should contact the Disabilities Coordinator at least one week in advance of the event. Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. cannot ensure accommodation on less than one week’s notice.
F. Complaint Reporting, Investigation, and Resolution
Individuals who believe that they have been subjected to or witnessed discrimination prohibited by the ADA/Section 504 may make a complaint to the Disabilities Coordinator. Complaints by potential and active sxsters are reviewed according to the Non-Discrimination Policy. Individuals who are considering bringing a complaint may at any time meet with the Disabilities Coordinator, who will discuss the matter and describe the complaint process.
A complaint investigation is initiated when an individual submits a written statement alleging discrimination prohibited by the ADA/Section 504 to the Disabilities Coordinator, or provides similar information in an interview. Prompt submission of complaints is encouraged.
The Disabilities Coordinator will consider the complainant’s statement of concern, and may dismiss the complaint without further process or review if the Disabilities Coordinator determines that the complaint on its face is frivolous, not credible, clearly without merit, or outside the scope of these procedures. If the complaint is not dismissed, the Disabilities Coordinator shall review the matter. Depending on the circumstances, the Disabilities Coordinator may conduct interviews, review documentary materials, and take any other appropriate action to gather and consider information relevant to the complaint.
The Disabilities Coordinator will then prepare a written report setting forth findings, conclusions, and actions to be taken, if any, and will determine appropriate offices with whom to share the report. The time required to investigate an ADA/Section 504 complaint will depend on a variety of factors, including the nature and scope of the matter. Every effort will be made to resolve the matter within forty-five days or as expeditiously as possible. Throughout the process, the sorority will, as appropriate, keep the participants informed of the status of the process.
Following the review, the Disabilities Coordinator will, as necessary, take appropriate action to ensure that the sorority comes into compliance with the ADA/Section 504 in a manner that is prompt and equitable to the complainant. Individuals found in violation of sorority’s policy may appeal the finding according to the Discrimination Policy.
G. Confidentiality
Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. respects the sensitive nature of any disclosure and works to provide appropriate accommodations for Sxsters while maintaining the highest level of confidentiality possible. All sxsters are required to maintain the confidentiality of any disability-related information about a student or other active sxster. To that end, information is provided on a need-to-know basis solely to individuals who require such information as part of the accommodation process, or where permitted or required by the law. To protect confidentiality, all disability-related information should be directed towards the Disabilities Coordinator, and generally not to any other sxster.
A sxster seeking accommodations is also recommended to register with their University’s Office of Disability Services (ODS). All sxster’s disclosures are treated with the same consideration and confidentiality, regardless of disability.
H. Proof of Disability
Disabled sxsters or associates are not required to submit documented proof in order to request reasonable accommodation. However, they must send a written request to the Disabilities Coordinator and/or their Recruitment Advisors about their preferred accommodations at the beginning of each term.