Benefits of Being Greek
The academic portion of your university career is one significant determinant in your future success. A primary purpose of the sorority community is to encourage and develop high scholastic achievement among its members. Several factors contribute to this academic atmosphere, including peer tutoring, upperclassman counseling, leadership training, chapter study hours, and many more. These all will help new students become more familiar to the longer and more intense studying that college requires over time.
Sororities and fraternities are built upon creating strong future leaders. Over 85% of the student leaders on some 730 campuses are involved in the Greek community. There are an abundance of opportunities available to take ownership of your organization on a local and/or national level. As a self-regulating organization, these leadership opportunities allow sororities to build strong and ethical womxn leaders.
Culture & Unity
Spreading culture is another benefit to joining a Greek organization; specifically one based on culture. As a sxster, you will have the opportunity to bond with other womxn who share a passion for spreading or learning about our different cultures and backgrounds.
Although our roots are South Asian based, We are not exclusive and promote diversity. Additionally, sororities often unite and create strong relations on the basis of culture.
Community Service
As a member of the Greek community, you will be able to help change and shape the community around you. With philanthropy being one of the main pillars of many Greek organizations, community service and volunteering are at the forefront of Greek life activities. The Greek system is the largest network of volunteers in the US, with members donating over 10 million hours of volunteer service each year.
Career Networking
As a sxster in a sorority, you will instantly create a relationship with all of its members across the country. Your professional network will expand instantly and you will have a chance to connect with bright, young, and inspiring individuals in a variety of industries and levels.
Did you know?
Just over 50% of students in colleges and universities go on to graduate.
Members of fraternities and sororities graduate at a rate in excess of 70%.
The 1st Female Senator was Greek.
The 1st Female Astronaut was Greek.
85% of Fortune 500 Companies are run by Greeks.
75% of Congress is Greek.
85% of Supreme Court Justices have been Greek.
63% of U.S. Cabinet Members since 1900 are Greek.
All of the Apollo 11 Astronauts are Greek.
More than 7 million men and women in the U.S. and Canada are Greek.